sabato 13 giugno 2020

Julio Pavanetti: Transito e Battaglie in tre lingue

Poeta uruguyano, vive in Spagna
Ha fondato il "Liceo Poético de Benidorm"


Allodola stremata ,
solcando tunnel di assenza,
io cammino alla ricerca delle strade
che il dolore non ha calpestato.

Mordo il tempo
come il prudente Ulisse,
con passi lenti e brevi
che non risuonano oramai con furia,
sul pavimento
del mio lungo viaggio verso Ítaca.

Non voglio ricordare il fulgore
delle candele spente per le tempeste,
preferisco avvicinarmi alla luce calda
di quelle che rimangono accese.

Con un piede nel paradiso
ed un altro nell'inferno,
mi muovo lentamente
tra monotone pioggerelline
che scivolano sulla mia anima,
come l'eco nella montagna
cerca il transito verso il silenzio.

Traduzione nella lingua italiana dell' autore


Alondra estremecida,
surcando túneles de ausencia,
yo ando en busca de los caminos
que el dolor no ha pisado.

Muerdo el tiempo
igual que el prudente Ulises,
con pasos lentos y cortos
que ya no resuenan con furia,
sobre el pavimento
de mi largo viaje a Ítaca.

No quiero recordar el fulgor
de las velas apagadas
por las tempestades,
prefiero acercarme a la luz cálida
de las que permanecen erguidas.

Con un pie en el paraíso
y otro en el infierno,
me muevo despacio
entre monótonas garúas
que resbalan por mi alma,
como el eco en la montaña
busca el tránsito al silencio.

© Julio Pavanetti

Lark exhausted,
furrowing tunnel of absence,
I walk in search of the roads
that pain has not stepped on.

I bite the time
like the prudent Ulysses,
with slow and short steps
that do not resound with fury now,
on the floor
of my long journey to Ítaca.

I don't want to remember the radiance
Of candles extinguished for storms,
I prefer to approach the warm light
of those that remain lit.
With one foot in paradise
and another one in hell,
I move slowly
between monotonous drizzle
that slip on my soul,
like the echo in the mountain
Looks a transit to the silence.
 translated by Claudia Piccinno


La nostra vita
è una grande collezione
di battaglie perse.
Ogni tanto qualche trionfo
privo di sensi ed effimero,
una breve gioia,
ci fa dimenticare,
solo per un momento,
che quello che predomina sempre
sono le battute d'arresto
che accadono, una dietro l'altro,
come un lungo preambolo
fino all'ultima sconfitta,
conclusiva e infinita.

Traduzione in  lingua italiana dell’l'autore


Nuestra vida no es más
que una gran colección
de batallas perdidas.
Cada tanto algún triunfo
despistado y efímero,
una alegría breve,
consigue que olvidemos
sólo por un instante,
que lo que predomina
siempre son los reveses
que se van sucediendo,
uno detrás de otro,
como un largo preámbulo
a la derrota última,
concluyente e infinita.

© Julio Pavanetti


Our life
is a great collection
of lost battles.
Sometimes a triumph
unconscious and ephemeral,
a short joy,
let us forget,
just for a moment,
that what always predominates
are the setbacks
which happen, one after the other,
like a long preamble
to the last defeat,

conclusive and infinite.

translated by Claudia Piccinno

JULIO PAVANETTI (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1954)
He is a poet and a cultural promoter. He lives now in Villajoyosa, Spain. He is founder and President of the international poets association “Liceo Poético de Benidorm”. *Cultural Delegate for Uruguay of “Hispano-American Union of Writers”. *Associate Academic by the North American Academy of Modern Literature. *Director of the poetry collection "Azul" of Enkuadres Publishers, Alzira, Spain. *Director of the International Poetry Festival “Benidorm & Costa Blanca” (FIPBECO). *Honorary Member of the American Academy of Modern Literature. *Member founder of the Student Academy of Contemporary Art in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, occupying the chair No. 7 "Gabriel Celaya". *Member of the “Association of Spanish Writers and Artists”. *Member of the “Spanish Collegiate Association of Writers”. *Member of the “World Poetry Movement”. He has published eleven books of poetry, one of them, “Spirala timpului” (La espiral del tiempo / The spiral of time) in Romanian/Spanish bilingual edition, published in Bucarest, Romania in 2012. His book “Al roce de la piel callada”/“At the touch of a silent flesh”, won the first prize in the contest of Aspe, Spain, in 2015, and was published in October 2018 in English/Spanish bilingual edition. He has participated in several international summits and poetry festivals and has taken part in more than 70 international anthologies. He had received many awards, honors and recognitions, both for his poetry as for his cultural work. Many of his poems have been translated into English, Italian, Sicilian, Catalan, Arabic, French, Romanian, Portuguese, Croatian, Polish, German, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Slovak, Malay, Korean, Bengali, Greek and Mycenaean Greek (Linear B) and have been published on innumerable Spanish and international newspapers and literary magazines, both in digital and printed format.

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