Lecce. Sabato 4 gennaio
alle ore 18:00, con ingresso libero, la sala convegni “Teatrino” dell’ex
Convitto Palmieri in piazzetta Carducci ha ospitato l’evento Due voci, due
storie - Dal Bosforo al Salento: Affinità in versi sotto la Direzione Artistica di Attilio
Igino Puglielli. L’evento è stato promosso dall’AGMI Associazione Giovani Musicisti
Italiani, con la compartecipazione del Polo Biblio-Museale di Lecce, sotto gli
auspici del MiBACT-Centro per il
libro e la lettura, con il patrocinio della Regione Puglia - Assessorato
all’industria turistica e culturale, della Provincia di Lecce, del Comune di
Lecce, del CSVS, e con la partecipazione straordinaria del GMS “Padre Igino Ettorre”.
città ha accolto i due poeti di Istanbul con calore e partecipazione, tanto che
entrambi hanno dichiarato di essere piacevolmente colpiti dall’affabilità dei
leccesi, popolo brillante che sa preservare il proprio patrimonio artistico e
culturale. Durante la presentazione dei libri “La mia isola”
di Osman Öztürk e “Possano i nostri sogni cambiare il mondo” di Mesut
Şenol, è intercorso un
vivace dialogo multilingue tra i due poeti, le cui opere sono state
tradotte in 22 lingue, e l’ambasciatrice culturale di Istanbul Claudia
Piccinno, poetessa, traduttrice delle due pubblicazioni, coadiuvata da R.
Lorena Guarascio, turcologa, e dall’artista Florisa Sciannamea, che ha
esposto alcuni suoi lavori e ha generosamente omaggiato gli ospiti con
litografie numerate.
L’incontro culturale apertosi con i saluti di Francesca
Mammana, presidente AGMI, che ha sottolineato le affinità tra i
popoli del Mediterraneo, s’è avvalso poi dell’interpretazione magistrale dell’attore
Gino Cesaria, che ha seminato
brividi d’emozione, declamando alcune poesie dei due scrittori, accompagnato
al pianoforte da Daniele Cervellera, giovane e talentuoso pianista.
La serata è stata
impreziosita dai canti tradizionali natalizi interpretati dal Gruppo
Madrigalistico Salentino “Padre Igino Ettorre”, diretto da Tina Patavia; durante un momento di gioco e di convivialità, s’è
effettuata un’estrazione dei libri degli autori e di due litografia della
pittrice Sciannamea, alla fine, a suggellare il gemellaggio tra il Bosforo e il
Salento, gli ospiti hanno ringraziato il coro e lo staff con attestati e targhe
dell’associazione Ist sanat Art, di cui Osman Öztürk è il presidente.
organizzazione e gestione dell’evento sono stati a cura di Daniele Puglielli.
link facebook:
Andrea Carbonara
AGMI Associazione
Giovani Musicisti It
Relazioni Esterne
Lecce. Saturday 4 January at 18:00, with free admission, the "Teatrino" conference room of the Palmieri College in Carducci Square, hosted the event Two voices, two stories - From Bosphorus to Salento: Affinity in verse, promoted by AGMI Association of Young Italian Musicians, with the participation of the Museum and Public Library of Lecce, under the auspices of the MiBACT-Minister Center for books and reading, with the patronage of the Puglia Region - Department of Tourism and Cultural Industry, of the Province of Lecce , of the Municipality of Lecce, of the CSVS, under the artistic management of Attilio Igino Puglielli and with the extraordinary participation of the chorus"Father Igino Ettorre".
The city welcomed the two poets of Istanbul with warmth and participation, in order that they both said they were pleasantly impressed by the affability of the people of Lecce, a brilliant people who know how to preserve their artistic and cultural heritage. During the presentation of the books "My island" by Osman Öztürk and "Could our dreams change the world" by Mesut Şenol, a lively multilingual dialogue took place between the two poets, whose works have been translated into many languages, and the cultural ambassador of Istanbul Claudia Piccinno, poet, translator of the two publications, assisted by R. Lorena Guarascio, turcologist, and by the artist Florisa Sciannamea, who exhibited some of her works and generously paid homage to the guests with numbered lithographs.
The cultural meeting that opened with greetings from Francesca Mammana, president of AGMI, who underlined the affinities between the peoples of the Mediterranean, then made use of the masterful interpretation of the actor Gino Cesaria, who sowed shivers of emotion, declaiming some poems by the two writers, accompanied on the piano by Daniele Cervellera, a young and talented pianist.
The evening was enriched by traditional Christmas carols interpreted by the Salentino Madrigalistic Group "Father Igino Ettorre", directed by Tina Patavia; during a moment of play and conviviality, an extraction of the authors' books and two lithographs by the painter Sciannamea took place, in the end, to seal the twinning between the Bosporus and Salento, the guests thanked the choir and the staff with certificates and plates of the Ist sanat Art association, of which Osman Öztürk is the president.
Planning, organization and management of the event were curated by Daniele Puglielli.
Lecce. Saturday 4 January at 18:00, with free admission, the "Teatrino" conference room of the Palmieri College in Carducci Square, hosted the event Two voices, two stories - From Bosphorus to Salento: Affinity in verse, promoted by AGMI Association of Young Italian Musicians, with the participation of the Museum and Public Library of Lecce, under the auspices of the MiBACT-Minister Center for books and reading, with the patronage of the Puglia Region - Department of Tourism and Cultural Industry, of the Province of Lecce , of the Municipality of Lecce, of the CSVS, under the artistic management of Attilio Igino Puglielli and with the extraordinary participation of the chorus"Father Igino Ettorre".
The city welcomed the two poets of Istanbul with warmth and participation, in order that they both said they were pleasantly impressed by the affability of the people of Lecce, a brilliant people who know how to preserve their artistic and cultural heritage. During the presentation of the books "My island" by Osman Öztürk and "Could our dreams change the world" by Mesut Şenol, a lively multilingual dialogue took place between the two poets, whose works have been translated into many languages, and the cultural ambassador of Istanbul Claudia Piccinno, poet, translator of the two publications, assisted by R. Lorena Guarascio, turcologist, and by the artist Florisa Sciannamea, who exhibited some of her works and generously paid homage to the guests with numbered lithographs.
The cultural meeting that opened with greetings from Francesca Mammana, president of AGMI, who underlined the affinities between the peoples of the Mediterranean, then made use of the masterful interpretation of the actor Gino Cesaria, who sowed shivers of emotion, declaiming some poems by the two writers, accompanied on the piano by Daniele Cervellera, a young and talented pianist.
The evening was enriched by traditional Christmas carols interpreted by the Salentino Madrigalistic Group "Father Igino Ettorre", directed by Tina Patavia; during a moment of play and conviviality, an extraction of the authors' books and two lithographs by the painter Sciannamea took place, in the end, to seal the twinning between the Bosporus and Salento, the guests thanked the choir and the staff with certificates and plates of the Ist sanat Art association, of which Osman Öztürk is the president.
Planning, organization and management of the event were curated by Daniele Puglielli.
translation by Claudia Piccinno
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